Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toy Story 3

Tonight I learned about the "Red Box" It is a machine that you can swipe you rdebit card and pay $1.00 each day to borrow a DVD from the "Red Box". I am learning how the video stores have lost their place in the world, when you can stand in line and wait for one of the two red boxes to offer you a movie for the night.

Are choice "Toy Story 3" and "How To Train Your Dragon" I have heard of both, the first with much tears and the second from Mallory that she had seen this cute movie four times.

Well How to Train Your Dragon is from a book in our library at school, which I must admit I have not read yet. Now I think I would like to on our next long trip. Of course to date there are three books total, in this series. ;.) My review would be it was good in the beginning, not so good in the middle and it ended very well in the end.

Now for the "Toy Story 3" when I first heard of the 3rd one, I could not see how it would be that interesting. The reviews on blogs made me cry and I knew that I could not see it in the theaters. So tonight in our own home, we saw "Toy Story 3" and it was 3 of us watching the movie. Soren is home for a couple of weeks and he had suggested both movies.

All the reviews are true! It pulls at your heart strings which opens the flood gates to your tear ducts. One thing that Soren knew for sure would happen ;.) Children feel bad when they are small to see their moms cry, for some reason when they are older they live for the moments where their moms cry over feeling things. ;.)

It does pull at your heart when you are reminded that your children grow up and they no longer need the things that you loved watching them play with. So many memory flood back to your heart and mind when your children were little. Oh, how you would love to have those days back and you would hug them more and smooch them more and just want them to be little for oh so much longer.

So yes the tears flowed and the memories came along with the tears.

Thank you for memories Soren, Sondra, Shaleah and Stefanie. xoxoxoxo


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